
legal warning


  • Business name: CONSERVAS RIANXEIRA S.A.U.
  • CIF/NIF: A15022221
  • Registered office: C/ Vimieiro Nº 20, 15930 Boiro (A Coruña)
  • Phone: +34 981845400
  • E-mail:
  • Commercial Registry of: Santiago de Compostela-Volume 1212, Folio 59, Sheet 6602



All content on the website, including but not limited to databases, images and photographs, drawings, graphics, and text files, are the property of CONSERVAS RIANXEIRA S.A.U., hereinafter referred to as “the Owner,” or content providers, having been licensed or assigned by them, and are protected by national or international intellectual property laws. The collection, design, arrangement, and assembly of all website content is the exclusive property of the Owner and is protected by national and international laws governing industrial and intellectual property. The trademarks, labels, distinctive signs, or logos on the website are owned by the Owner and are duly registered. The texts, data, and graphic drawings are the property of the Owner or the entities that provide the information and cannot be subject to further modification, copying, transformation, alteration, reproduction, adaptation, or translation by third parties without the express authorization of the owner of said content. The provision of texts, data, and graphic drawings does not imply, under any circumstances, the transfer of their ownership or the granting of an exploitation right, reproduction, dissemination, transformation, distribution, or transmission in their favor, other than the right of use that involves the legitimate use of the website.


The Owner declares that this website has the appropriate technology to allow access and use thereof. However, it is not responsible for the possible existence of viruses or other harmful elements introduced by any means or by any third party that may cause alterations in its computer systems. The website may contain inaccuracies, relevant omissions, inaccuracies, or typographical errors. The Owner does not guarantee, under any circumstances, the truthfulness, accuracy, and timeliness of the data contained on its website. The user who accesses the website exempts the Owner from any responsibility in relation to the reliability, usefulness, or false expectations that this website may produce.


The Owner does not offer any kind of guarantee regarding the operation of the website or the information contained therein. The Owner will not be responsible for any damages or harm of any kind that may arise from the use of the website. The Owner excludes all liability for the legality, content, and quality of the data and information offered by third-party entities through the website.


The owners of other websites who wish to create a hyperlink to this website undertake not to establish links to websites in which the Owner’s logo does not appear and not to make false, inaccurate, or incorrect statements that may be misleading or, in general, contrary to the law. The owners of other websites who wish to create a hyperlink to the Owner’s website also undertake not to establish hyperlinks with websites that contain content, statements, or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic, pornographic, terrorist apology, and, in general, that may in any way harm the good name or image of the Owner. The inclusion of hyperlinks on this website does not necessarily imply that its Owner maintains business relationships or associative links with the owner of the website in which the link is established. The presence of hyperlinks on this website is for informational purposes only, therefore, the Owner does not assume any responsibility or grant any kind of warranty, either express